Friday: Came quick and the flight was great. My senior neighbor on the plane asked me reason for travel. Awesome- a reason to share my excitement. Next stop was the rental car and that is when things turned ugly. The company lost my reservation, sent me to find two cars that weren't in the lot and then informed me they had no car for me. Sigh. After 2 hours of standing there losing my patience and desperately needing to hydrate, I finally got a car. It was a more than painful experience. I commented to the company that my upcoming Ironman race was surely going to be easier than renting a car from them.
Off to the check in and let the fun begin! Friday night my husband had arrived and we had dinner with my parents about 40 miles north. So awesome to see them and relax. Early to bed and trying to get a good night sleep in the casita. Thanks m & d!
Sunday: My internal clock woke up at 3:stupid50. I got up, did some yoga, drank a coffee and tried to stay calm. We headed out about 5:30 to get to the start, pump tires, get marked, situate missing items in bags, etc. I was so glad to see a familiar face from my dentist/friend who I rode with a few times in training. Helped me to feel like things were going to be okay.
THE SWIM- Jumping into Tempe Town Lake was the sign that there was no going back. It was cold, not quite light outside yet and really overwhelming to me. I got so super pumped swimming up to the start, crying during the national anthem, seeing my husband in the crowd and boom we were off. Lots of clobbering and smacking in the face. Got my goggles kicked off and choked twice. No biggie. I just kept going and told myself to get through the swim. I did.
THE BIKE- I counted only 4 other road bikes besides mine so I was looking at every bike with great envy. Other than that, the scenery was pretty, the temperature was perfect and the crowds and volunteers were unbelievable. The course was three laps so I got pretty comfortable with the plan. I said "I wish" every time I passed a large race mile marker sign and said "thank GOD!" every time I passed a small one. However about mile 40, my stomach started cramping and I knew I was in for trouble. I chomped every half hour on my tummy relief and to no avail. I got off my bike four times to stretch out and relieve the cramping and tried to stay calm. The winds started to kick up half way through and that is when I realized this was really gonna hurt. All I could think of was 'get me off this bike'. Throughout most of the bike, I got killer compliments on my kit and many, many jokes that went with it. Gotta have a sense of humor guys, especially in an Ironman. I just kept going though and told myself to just get through the bike. I did.
THE RUN- My honey was near the transition with a huge smile on his face. "My stomach is KILLING me", I yelled. Nothing but encouragement from him and so I taped up my injured foot and set off for the marathon. The first five miles felt painful but good to straighten up and run. (Or jog as my time shows). And from there it went downhill quickly. My plantar fasciitis was trying to mess with me and then the tummy issues from hell kicked in. Shooting pain and nausea with a side order of dizziness ensued. At mile twelve I sat down and thought about if I could finish. A lovely volunteer grabbed his first aid bag and gave me some anti nausea medicine. Who takes pills from a stranger on the side of the road??? ME! Through it all I tried to keep my sense of humor, smile, dance and encourage people that were hurting too. There were people walking with me near the end that helped the brunt the misery and I began to see that this too was about to pass. Another hardship done. All that training, done. This event I thought about for over a year was...yes...done. The lights were there, the people were cheering and of course, I cried. With a huge smile I danced myself right through the shoot and they said it. They said, Heather Yancey, YOU are an Ironman. I did it, I really did.
When asked on Sunday if I'd ever do it again. I said "hell no". Monday I said, "you're nuts". Well it's Thursday, people. YAHOO, let's do this again!! :)